Achluophobia - The Insane Fear of Darkness

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meaning of Achluophobia

Meaning of Achluophobia

Achluophobia is also known as “Fear of Darkness” referred in medical or scientific term as “Achluophobia.” This is also called as nyctophobia or scotophobia.
Pathological fear of night some time called Nyctophobia. It is derived from the Greek term “Night” and Scotophobia is derived from the Greek term “Darkness”.
 Actually humans have a cunning ability to make have shapes and faces in the dark that won’t really that. Like in case of Achluophobia patient suffering that they imagines Aliens, ghost,  monster, evil things around us will trying to harm him as soon as he stays in a dark place, when he/she in the dark. The fear of darkness make these people so afraid that they can’t even get sleep at night and need to sleep with someone or lights on. Especially children suffering from this condition are also found to be afraid of nightmares.
It is a very common type of fear among may happen with any people during childhood and over the course of the year this fear then disappears or can also be seen in adults to certain extent.
We do this because of brain is provide the visual to form a complete picture well it is dark. So, open simply face in blanks while I’m telling goes. Put the facts, we see- things in the dark that aren’t really there isn’t to do, isn’t why several fade deep black of the night.

Cause of Achluophobia
Achluophobia is caused by the situation that we faced earlier and have a bad intuition on our mind. This is what peoples never forget and it attacks on our mind and make our mind superstitious. That’s why we found someone near us in the dark place.

Suppose a children or a kid has been frightened by anyone, when he/she was in dark place and that affected on his mind severally.
 You can even find the various symptoms that shows a person suffering from Achluophobia.
This is not a rare case; you can find this phobia from person to person in your neighbourhood. But you have to admit the fact; you have also suffered in some extent of fear of darkness in your childhood.
causes of Achluophobia

You can find more about the symptoms of Achluophobia....

There are several treatments methods or a therapy of those people who is suffering from Achluophobia. Suggested by Experts.
1.     Exposure Therapy
2.     Desensitization
3.     Cognitive Behaviour Therapy